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Rewriting Your Money Story

It’s Time to Release the Old Story

Discover your powerful and harmonious connection with money.

Imagine if you could develop a new, empowering relationship with money—one built on letting go of what no longer benefits you.

Introducing "Rewriting Your Money Story", a transformative program designed to help you release your old story and unlock the secrets of abundance and open the doors to true prosperity in your life.

Through this course, led by intuitive coaches Danay Novoa and Sheila Williams, you will embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation, guiding you toward a new understanding of money and its role in your life.

Danay and Sheila have carefully crafted this course to provide you with the tools, insights, and practices you need to create a powerful and harmonious connection with money. By releasing the old stories, you will tap into the unlimited potential of the universe and manifest abundance effortlessly.

Here's what you can expect from

Rewriting Your Money Story:


Four 90-Minute Calls

Links for ALL Call Recordings will be sent out within 24 hours

Sundays: 2 Channeled Sessions (with Q&A) with Danay Novoa:

In these powerful sessions, Danay will channel divine wisdom and guidance, offering profound insights and practical strategies to help you align your energy with the frequency of abundance and release the old story.


Coming soon!

Wednesdays: 2 Integration Sessions with Sheila Williams:

These integration sessions will allow you to deepen your understanding of the teachings, ask questions, and receive personalized guidance from Sheila. You'll learn how to integrate the principles into your daily life for lasting transformation.


Coming Soon!

Register for Rewriting Your Money Story

What to expect:

Throughout the course, you'll explore a variety of powerful topics, including:

  • Shifting your mindset from scarcity to abundance.

  • Releasing limiting beliefs and patterns around money.

  • Cultivating a deep sense of love, gratitude, and appreciation for money.

  • Harnessing the law of attraction to effortlessly manifest financial abundance.

  • Building a sustainable and fulfilling relationship with money.

  • Navigating financial challenges with grace and resilience.

By the end of this course, the possible outcomes include not only having a newfound understanding of money but also possessing the tools and practices to create lasting prosperity in your life. Having a transformed relationship with money allows you to radiate magnetic energy that attracts abundance effortlessly.

Enrollment for next course is opening soon! Want to join the waitlist below!

BONUSES: All participants in the 4-part workshop series will receive:

  • One free 30-minute private coaching session with Danay AND

  • One free 30-minute private coaching session with Sheila

  • Bonuses are valued at $250 (that is more than the whole course!)

Unlock the power of letting go of the old and embracing the new to transform your financial reality.

Join "Rewriting Your Money Story" and embrace a life of abundance and prosperity.

With an Abundance of Love,

Danay & Sheila

About Us:

Who are these joyful people who believe they know something worth sharing?

Sheila Williams

Sheila is a former school teacher and a guide to the core of her being. As a 'magic life coach', she loves to inspire people to discover what is possible. Knowing that life can be a fun game has become her new superpower.

Danay Novoa, PhD

Danay is a former university professor who has embraced the shift to intuitive coaching through her channeling of infinite intelligence. She has a passion to share her gifts with others so that they can realize their own magic.

Testimonials from past course participants

"[Sheila] created a very fun and value-filled program. ... Really enjoyed the interactions and connections and cannot wait for your next one!!"

Betsy S.

"[Danay's] class yesterday was so awesome!  I loved all the material and how [she] delivered it with such love and compassion!!!  It flowed like magic."

Sara C.

"This course with Danay and Sheila wasn't a typical course about money and abundance. It certainly didn't have the feel of a *work*shop. It was a fun interactive play, and through engaging conversations, we learned so much about our emotional responses to money, abundance, and prosperity. We have shifted energetically without feeling 'having to do the hard work'. If anyone wants to embark on an expansive, joyful, and heart-opening journey, I very much recommend connecting with Danay and Sheila. You learn so much while you are having a laugh"😁

Terumi I.

"I love the course, it was fun and full of great wisdom and experiences coming from this two beautiful souls, combined with the greatest spiritual guidance. I'm so grateful to have taking this course because it really helped me to feel free of worried about money and it had shifted my perception about many things in life not just about money. So a big thank you and gratitude to Danay and Sheila for this magnificent creation! I can't wait for the next course!!!"

Ana Y.